ARK ANGLES Advanced Australian SoftwareARK ANGLES - Great Australian Software

KChess range of chess softwareSee the KChess page for full details of the KChess range of intelligent and enjoyable chess programs - for beginners and experts alike.
Pod puzzle gameSee the Pod page for info and download of our POD puzzle game.
Contact and order infoSee the General Information and ordering page for details of our unique Triple Guarantee, and how to contact us and how to order.

Other sites developed, maintained or supported by ARK ANGLES

Australian Cemeteries Index - details and images of hundreds of thousands of inscriptions on cemetery headstones.

Ryerson Index Search - an index of millions of death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers.

Global Recordings Network - basic Bible teaching in audio and video form in thousands of languages and dialects.

Research in Evangelical Revivals - books, articles and other materials about revival, and also astronomy, by Rev. Robert Evans.

Published by ARK ANGLES